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2 Thessalonians 3:5 - May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.
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Angle Stop Plumbing Water Heater FAQ's
When purchasing a water heater, the process can be overwhelming. To assist with your investment decision, Angle Stop Plumbing has compiled a list of frequently asked questions along with comprehensive answers. If you have any additional inquiries or wish to schedule a visit from one of our expert technicians, please contact us at (615) 398-3048. We are committed to providing professional assistance.
How does a traditional tank style electric water heater work?
Electric water heaters use submerged elements in a tank to heat water. The bottom element heats the water, causing it to rise, while the top element keeps it warm. The thermostats control the elements, activating them only when more hot water is needed. Electric water heater elements can fail with to much scale deposits, therefore it is recommended electric water heaters should be flushed and inspected by your local plumbing professionals at Angle Stop Plumbing.
How does a traditional tank style gas water heater work?
A traditional tank-style gas water heater heats water using a burner that activates when the thermostat calls for heat. The gas is ignited by an igniter or a standing pilot with a thermocouple. Safety devices monitor heat and oxygen levels to ensure safe operation. Gas water heaters will accumulate carbon deposits on thermocouple, ignitor and burner assemblies. If not maintained the burner will not burn efficiently, if it is too hot the safety device in the burner box will disable and not allow the water heater to function. Keeping the gas water heater in great working order requires routine maintenance offered by Angle Stop Plumbing.
How does a hybrid electric heat pump water heater work?
A hybrid heat pump water heater heats water by using compressed gas to transfer heat from the air into the water tank, working like a reverse air conditioner. It draws in air, passes it over an evaporator coil with refrigerant, and uses the absorbed heat to warm the water. Hybrid electric heat pump water heaters require routine maintenance such as the maintenance offered by Angle Stop Plumbing. Electric elements provide additional heating during high demand or when the surrounding space is cooler than usual.
How does a hybrid gas water heater work?
A hybrid gas water heater merges a tank water heater with a tankless unit. It is designed to meet high hot water demands, such as in hotels, restaurants, or large offices. Hybrid gas water heaters have all the components of a traditional gas water heater, in addition they carry many of the same components found in a tankless water heater. With a large capacity water heater such as the hybrid gas water heater it is critical to the long-term performance that they are routinely maintained by Angle Stop Plumbing.
How does an electric tankless water heater work?
Electric tankless water heaters only heat water when you need it. They turn on with water flow and turn off when it stops. This means they don't use energy when you're not using hot water. Depending on their size, these heaters might need up to 150 amps of electrical power. Electric tankless water heater serve folks well that might have limited space for a water heater, however, they are subject to scale buildup much faster than any other water heater, therefore require routine maintenance by Angle Stop Plumbing.
How does a gas tankless water heater work?
Gas tankless water heaters use a gas burner to quickly heat the incoming cold water. Their compact design and fuel efficiency make them popular. Safety features are built into the unit, and resizing the gas pipe may be necessary due to the increased BTU load. Users appreciate their efficiency and simplicity. Great option for folks who have a need for a lot of hot water running multiple showers simultaneously. Gas tankless water heaters is one of the most efficient on the market, however, for longevity they must be serviced routinely by Angle Stop Plumbing.
How long can I expect my water heater to last?
A standard water heater generally has a lifespan of around 10 years compared to a gas-fired tankless water heater that can last between 10 - 25 years, but this can be extended with annual maintenance. Factors such as how often it is used, the quality of the water, its size, and where it is located all influence its longevity. Unfortunately, maintenance is frequently neglected until a problem arises, which is why many opt for an Angle Stop Plumbing membership plan to ensure their needs are met.
Ideally, where should my water heater be installed?
To maintain the warranty for any water heater, regardless of its manufacturer, ensure it is installed in a dry, non-corrosive environment to prevent rust. Additionally, place it in an area that does not experience freezing temperatures.
Can I install a water heater in my crawlspace?
Installing a water heater in your crawlspace is permissible, but it is necessary to control moisture and humidity to prevent corrosion, corrosion with all manufacturers will void your warranty. Crawlspaces typically have higher humidity levels due to their proximity to the earth, which constantly releases moisture. This can negatively affect the water heater if not properly managed.
Can I install a water heater in my attic?
Installing a water heater in your attic is acceptable, however you must take steps to prevent freezing and prevent corrosion. Condensation can be a concern from the extreme temperature differential in unconditioned attics and steps to control a leak in the event of a failure.
Can I install a water heater outside?
The type of water heater you have will determine whether it can be installed outdoors. Traditional and hybrid/heat pump water heaters are not suitable for outdoor installation as this would void the manufacturer’s warranty. Conversely, in certain regions, gas-fired tankless water heaters can be installed outside, provided that precautions such as measures to prevent freezing are taken. It is also essential to ensure that any outdoor installation of water heaters complies with local building codes.
How do I determine the right size water heater, so we don’t end up with a cold shower?
Determining the right size for an electric water heater involves several considerations. You need to think about the duration of your longest shower, the frequency of back-to-back or simultaneous showers, and the capacity of your bathtub. Additionally, you should account for any body spray systems or high-flow shower heads you have. Don't forget to check the available space and power supply for your new water heater. With so many factors in play, it can be quite daunting. That's why Angle Stop Plumbing experts are ready to assist you in the calculation for free.
Is water filtration necessary for my water heater?
Many folks are not aware of this, however, yes, a water filter is necessary to maintain your water heater warranty. Every manufacturer, within their warranty exclusions, has something that mentions scale build up, water quality and contamination that can void their proposed warranty. Within the last few years warranty claims have now been required to include photos to support the claim. If the failed unit is related to scale or water quality manufacturers are denying claims.
How does water pressure affect my water heater?
Maintaining appropriate water pressure is crucial for the performance and longevity of your water heater. Ideally, household water pressure should be maintained between 50 and 65 PSI. Many water heater manufacturers set limits on the supply water pressure to the water heater because heating water increases the pressure within the tank. Excessive water pressure can damage your water heater and plumbing system, leading to leaks and potential appliance failure. It is now a requirement that homes have a pressure reducing valve installed on the incoming water supply to regulate pressure effectively.
What is a water heater thermal expansion tank? Do I really need a thermal expansion tank?
A thermal expansion tank is essential for closed-loop water heating systems, which include most Middle TN homes with a water meter, check valve, or recirculating pump. Without an expansion tank, the expansion of heated water can cause excessive pressure and potential damage to your plumbing. Many regions also require these tanks by code for new installations. Therefore, installing one ensures safety and compliance with local regulations.
Do I really need a drip pan for my water heater?
Local codes and insurance requirements will determine whether you need a water heater drip pan. In Middle Tennessee, drip pans are required to manage leaks and must be routed to a sewer system or outside with air gap protection. Drip pans help minimize water damage in case of a leak.
Why do some water heaters require a condensate drain line?
Gas tankless and hybrid water heaters often need a condensate drain line. This condensate results from the heater's efficiency.
I have decided I want a gas water heater, how should gas pipe size be determined?
Gas water heaters work well, but it's important to size the gas pipes correctly. The gas load is determined by the BTUs required for all appliances and factors such as distance and pipe bends. This calculation can be complicated, so Angle Stop Plumbing provides this service for free.
With so many water heater manufacturers, how should I choose the brand water heater for my property?
When choosing a water heater, it's important to select a reliable manufacturer for long-lasting performance with proper maintenance, like that offered by Angle Stop Plumbing. Understanding the materials used in water heaters is crucial; while some traditional models have glass-lined tanks, some now use epoxy-lined tanks due to rising manufacturing costs. In Middle Tennessee, hard water can degrade epoxy within 2-3 years, leading to leaks. Also, consider the availability of replacement parts, can they be obtained the same or next day? Educate yourself on each manufacturer to make an informed decision, feel free to consult with your Angle Stop Plumbing representative.
Okay, I decided on my water heater I am finished right?
After installation, don't get complacent. Ensure the plumbing technician reviews temperature requirements and completes the water heater registration. If not, do it yourself. Keep a file with your receipt, warranty, and a photo of the rating plate (Model & Serial Number). Schedule your first service visit with Angle Stop Plumbing to maintain your water heater.